Latest Expert Insights

5 Financial Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

3 Sydney suburbs where you can buy a house for less than $750,000

Expert Advice by Rich Harvey

Negative Gearing is now officially off the table

Negative Gearing is now officially off the table. Malcolm Turnbull announced it a short time ago. This was known for a couple of months but it had not been announced officially. Now it is done. Every now and then, the topic of changes in negative gearing rears its head, but since 1985 no one has dared touch this often maligned tax incentive.

‘Big 4’ bank or boutique lender: The crucial difference

Are You Treating Your Property Investing Like a Business?

Income to Debt Ratios

Timing the market or time in the market: Which is more important?

How long will property prices keep rising?

In this month’s QS Corner - it’s all about Negative Gearing!

Benefits of Buying Apartments

In this month’s QS Corner: Who is accountable?

Six Signs of a Healthy Market

Credit Cards

5 Ways to neutralise the risks of property investing

Are Two Rentals Better than One?

How often should you increase your property’s rent?

It’s a commitment

Starting again: Tips for property investing after a divorce

We can prove the ATO is wrong!

Why property investors must know about compounding

60 minutes programme 21/02/2016 on Channel 9

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